Upgraded Infection Control for Office Safety

We have invested in improvements to our office equipment to help keep our patients and staff safe while at our office.


MAXAIR CAPR® Systems are advanced respiratory protection systems that meet all OSHA loose fitting (no Fit Testing required) PAPR requirements.
MAXAIR Systems provides configurations to optimally meet the needs of:

  • Hospital infection prevention
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Bio-Safety laboratories (BLS-3)
  • Pharma and Biotechnology
  • Nuclear
  • Industrial


Airsoap has been installed throughout the office to keep air in all of our rooms clean.

For more information, please visit:  https://www.phonesoap.com/products/airsoap


Homesoap will be available at the front of the office for patients to sterilize their mobile devices and other smaller equipment.

For more information, please visit: https://www.phonesoap.com/products/homesoap

Ko-max Free-100 Mini Suction System

 All our treatment rooms are equipped with the Ko-max Free-100 Mini Suction System. This unit quietly reduces dental aerosols with a strong vacuum. UV light is used to kill coronavirus, and HEPA filtration cleans the exhausted air.


Isovac by Zyris

The Isovac will help assist our Dental Hygienists by providing a safe and comfortable environment while treating out patients.